Many are working “behind the scenes” at Caring For Life at this strange time. We always have “behind the scenes” staff but now some are working remotely, yet are in regular contact through phone, video calls and so forth. But, in addition to maintaining the farm, its livestock and so forth, there are plenty of tasks involved in maintaining the ministry of Caring For Life.

The phones need to be answered and it can be very busy some days. Kind donations need to be acknowledged, and Trusts applied to. Contact needs to be maintained with our prayer supporters and information prepared. Then income from the busy farm shop needs to be dealt with, and accounts recorded, both on site and via staff working remotely..
Bulletins need to be designed, the website updated and films made for churches and support groups, even though they cannot actually gather together. Short films are also a great way of helping us raise the spirits of folks we support, who are currently self isolating in the community. Thus, computers also have to be maintained and IT issues dealt with.
Contact needs to be maintained with all those working as key workers, supporting people through calls, practical help or delivering food and essentials. We, along with vast numbers around the world, are grateful for the technology that helps us to stay in touch and to undertake essential work, even if not physically present.
Lots of behind the scenes work is going on, but the focus for each one of us is to share the love of Jesus in this broken world, praying the Lord will help us to continue to encourage, care for and support many precious people at this time.