In everything we do, here at Caring For Life, we seek to point to our incredible Saviour and to tell the precious people we have the privilege of supporting, about God’s incredible love.
This Easter time, we have been able to have some wonderful conversations about the hope we have, because of the First Easter. We have the greatest hope, and we thank God for the blessing we have in sharing His message with the folks in our care.
In our Bible Studies, we have taken a break from Acts to spend time focussing on Jesus’ death and resurrection. During our most recent Bible Study, we had a wonderful time digging deeper into Matthew 27 and 28, which recount these events. These passages led to precious discussions, with some great questions around why they all took place. What a great privilege it is to be able to share that this was all part of God’s plan to save us, because of His great love for us!

It was also wonderful to hear some testimonies from the folks we support, reminding us of how God saved them, as well as hearing folks just praising God for Jesus’ death and resurrection. At the end, we opened it up for prayer and it filled our hearts with joy to hear the prayers of beneficiaries, thanking and praising God.
The following day, one lady contacted a member of staff and mentioned that, following the Bible study, she had spent the rest of the evening just reading through all the Gospel accounts. She described how overwhelmed she was by God’s love for her.

We pray that through each interaction; each bible study; each visit; that the Lord will continue to bless us with opportunities to share His love and that folks would continue to be overwhelmed by the incredible love of Jesus.