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Praying Hands

Friday 3rd May

Please pray for those in our care who are suffering from long term illnesses. Please pray for all those who are suffering mentally and physically, that they will be given the right treatment to help them.

Thursday 2nd May

Praise God for everyone who is part of the CFL family, for each precious person he has brought into our care.

Wednesday 1st May

Please pray for our finances, that the Lord will continue to provide for us each month. Pray particularly for the increased costs we are seeing, that we will be able to meet these and continue supporting those in our care.

Tuesday 30th April

Please pray for our Bible study times, that the Lord will continue to bless these. Pray that more people will start joining in and enjoy learning more about our precious Saviour.

Monday 29th April

Please pray for the Horticulture project as they are currently busy helping with plant production. Pray that this different task will be enjoyed by all on the project, watching and caring for these tiny plants as they grow and develop into saleable plants which will then be enjoyed by our customers.

Sunday 28th April

Praise God that it is Sunday and we can meet together and worship our Lord and Saviour. Pray for each of our supporters, volunteers, beneficiaries and staff, that they will have a precious day.

Saturday 27th April

Please pray for those in our care who are suffering from loneliness. Pray especially for them this weekend when they may not be having any contact with anyone else.

Friday 26th April

Please pray for safety on the farm today. Pray that each person who is up at the farm projects will have a good day and everyone will enjoy being here.

To keep up to date and notified with our daily prayer requests, please join us on PrayerMate.

Click Here to find out more.

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