Some of us may be familiar with the sight of tractors working in the fields, cutting hay or silage, or making and loading up bales. But we may well be less familiar with what goes on behind the scenes.Â

In addition to the Agriculture Project caring for the land here at Caring For Life, and watching when the hay crop is ready, the Mechanics Project plays an important “behind the scenes" role.
The Mechanics Project looks after various vehicles, including the farm ones, helping to keep other projects running smoothly, whilst providing important experience and opportunities for those on the project.
An impressive list of machinery had to be checked over, serviced, cleaned or repaired, ready for the hay harvest this year. It’s not good if machinery breaks down when there is a race against time to get the harvest in before the weather breaks!

Behind the scenes, the Mechanics Project checked over the following equipment: Round baler Conventional baler Mower Tedder Haybob Tractor Â
It’s all a vital part of bringing in the harvest. We are very thankful that the hay was safely gathered in during the fine spell a few weeks ago.