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Blessings of Bible Study!

One of the greatest blessings of lockdown has been our weekly zoom bible study. We have been so encouraged by the enthusiasm of all those who come along each week. Every individual who attends the farm projects, is visited by the Being There team or is supported in any capacity by Caring For Life is invited to attend and we have had a great uptake and great conversations as a result.

Throughout the pandemic, a huge favourite has been singing hymns and songs together. No “mute” buttons have been used during this time, rather it is loud, chaotic and often out of time due to the zoom delay. This, however, doesn’t stop everyone’s desire to sing together. Folks often come with a long list of hymns that have been encouraging them throughout the week. We have studied through Luke, Acts and are currently making our way through Mark. It has been a really special time, digging deeper into God’s word and it is has been so wonderful to hear responses and discussion around the passage being studied.

We have also had big questions and a real desire to know more. One lady often reads ahead each week, she said “I just can’t wait to see what will happen next”. Isn’t this precious? Seeing the impact and change in folks lives has been such a blessing.

Whilst we are thankful for technology it doesn’t compare to actually being together face to face. So we were overjoyed last month when we are able to do bible study in real life. We were greatly encouraged by the huge uptake with many never having attended a bible study before. It was such a joy (and rather emotional!) to be together and to hear voices worshipping our Saviour.

As we move towards the Christmas season, pray that we would be given many more opportunities to point people to our Saviour and to share the real reason for this season.


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