This week we hear from Abi as she tells us about the latest creations the Art room beneficiaries have been undertaking!

The recent prolonged cold snap has given us some beautiful mornings here at CFL, plants and trees alike coated in a glorious adornment of frost- although so far not too much of the white stuff has been spotted! In the Art Room, however, snowflakes have been popping up over the last few weeks in many different forms!

Paper snowflakes decorated the windows over Christmas, and having a go at creating snowflake prints has been a new starting point for quite a few people.
We have been experimenting using kitchen foil as the base on which to print onto. Water-based paint is applied to the foil, and then glue spreaders/ plastic forks and all kinds of implements used to scratch into the paint and take parts of it away. Paper is then placed over the top and then peeled back to reveal a unique print beneath.

This has created some lovely snowflake shapes, and also some wintery backgrounds. Once these are dry, some people have then added lovely details such as sparkly papers, and even stitched into the pieces to highlight the intricacies of each snowflake.
It’s lovely to see how people have been pleasantly surprised and excited by the pieces they have made. We have also been reminded that its ok to enjoy the creative process as an end in itself, and some other ideas have been sparked by this starting point, leading onto other thoughts and ideas.
We are now excitedly looking towards Spring and will be bringing back our annual ‘Spring Watch’ board in the centre for the first time since covid!
We just need to change the date on our (still unused) Giant notebook which we made for Spring Watch 2020 and add some display details and then Spring Watch 2023 can officially begin!

I’m so thankful for the beauty of the changing seasons. We pray that things like the uniqueness of each snowflake and the miracle of tiny buds poking through the soil will cause our precious beneficiaries to lift their eyes to their amazing Creator who longs to draw them to himself and who loves them individually.