Our recent Open Day was preceded by rather wild weather, with almost constant heavy rain, often accompanied by strong winds. This made preparations for Open Day pretty difficult at times, so we were very thankful when the Open Day began with sunshine! The weather pretty much held for the majority of the day, though really heavy rain in the late afternoon saw most people scurrying to their cars!

The children’s area proved immensely popular, with streams of families arriving in the morning. "Vanny the Unicorn” was the star of the show, and appeared to know that she was! There was a constant queue of families waiting to meet her.
There was a great deal for visitors to do, and some were juggling getting to watch the sheep shearing, horse shoeing and TailWaggers Dog display team, whilst also ensuring they hitched a ride on the Tractor Safari or the horse and carriage.
In the middle of the day, the Centre was engulfed by families ordering burger and chips and the Hog Roast just outside also did a roaring trade, alongside the Granary Restaurant and Cafe. The Steaks Roadshow in the marquee was much enjoyed, and visitors were able to look round the local food products in the Food Fayre, as well as purchasing from the cake stall.
The Garden Nurseries was busy all day and visitors also enjoyed looking round the sensory gardens and following the nature trail down into the valley, popping into the bird hides on site.
Throughout the day, it was also wonderful to be able to catch up with some longstanding supporters of Caring For Life, many of whom popped into the PR and Exec tent in the main yard, to chat with staff members there and catch up.
The day ended with a few supporters joining the staff and staying on for a short time of fellowship in the Centre at the close of the afternoon. It was really good to take time to thank the Lord for His goodness and blessing on the day.