In recent weeks, it has been a privilege to enable many of those supported by Caring For Life to enjoy a day, a few days or a week away from the city and their day-to-day circumstances. It is impossible to overstate the benefits of enabling people to have a break like this. For many, a day trip with their housing support worker may literally be the only time they leave the city during the entire year.

Seeing mountains, the sea, a lake, rock formations or an expansive view, are all quite overwhelming for people who may never have seen such sights.

On a recent day trip into the Dales, comments included; “It’s like heaven’s doors have been flung open.” And, “That’s massive! But we’re still precious to God!”
Viewing Glencoe, the Cairngorms and the Balmoral Estate, watching a myriad creatures at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, enjoying the beauty of local gardens and a picnic, all provide wonderful, lasting memories of a really special time away from day-to-day worries.
Enabling people to have such experiences is massive. The positive impact on their mental and physical wellbeing can be massive. Our prayer is that people also come to see the greatness of God and of His love for them.