Our bible studies really are such a precious time and such a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel with folks supported by Caring For Life. We have folks coming along who love the Lord dearly, others who are really seeking and others who know very little about Jesus.
Earlier this week, we met together for our Easter Bible Study which was especially precious. We are so thankful for this opportunity to reflect on our Saviour and the price He paid, to explain what Easter really is all about, to share the good news of the Gospel and our Hope for each and every day with folks who came along.
Before we dug into John’s Gospel, we had time for some traditional egg rolling. Each individual carefully decorated their egg in preparation for the roll. Then the competition began and there was lots of laughter, chatter and sharing of tips to ensure the longest roll.

Our study focussed on John’s account of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Together we read through different parts of the Easter story and spent time chatting and thinking about what happened and why. It was precious to hear folk reflecting on this and considering how much it cost for our Saviour to endure the cross. One lady after hearing that Jesus was arrested, abandoned and crucified repeatedly declared, “Jesus didn’t deserve to die He was innocent”. We spent some time in John 20, looking at the empty tomb and focussing on our Risen Saviour. What a great privilege it is to be able to share that this was all part of God’s plan to save us, because of His great love for us!

Please do pray with us, that folks would continue to think upon what was discussed during the Bible Study, that they would truly consider Christ and that eternities would be changed as a result. Pray also for every interaction, every visit; that the Lord would continue to bless us with opportunities to share His love with those we come into contact with.

Erin Hodson