In what is such a strange year for all of us, we are very grateful that there are still young people who want to give a year of their lives to serving Christ here. Over the years, our Time For Jesus project has welcomed many young people to Caring For Life. They have undertaken numerous tasks to help our overall ministry and have gone on to all kinds of callings and job roles, and some to ministries of their own.
2020-2021 will perhaps be the strangest year for a TFJ team, due to the need for social distancing, working in a COVID-secure environment and currently having only a few opportunities to meet the men and women Caring For Life supports. We earnestly hope that will soon change, if we are able to reopen some of our daytime therapeutic activity projects.
But we thank God for the willingness of Anna, Mary and Phoebe to serve in whatever way is needed. There will be absolutely no shortage of tasks to be undertaken. And some things don’t change.. our Time For Jesus team are beginning their year by sorting harvest!
It’s different, because food arrives via online supermarket deliveries, so kindly placed by supporters and churches, and the food is then quarantined for three days prior to sorting. But tins and other food items still need to be sorted by date, shelves need to be filled and boxes stacked. We do thank the Lord for the team and pray God will really bless them in their year here at Caring For Life.