This year, Caring For Life will be distributing more Christmas hampers than ever before. That means that the work of packing Christmas hampers needs to start early! We are so grateful to everyone who has donated food via online supermarket deliveries, or sent financial gifts to help us buy the food needed for hampers, along with special Christmas items.
Ensuring that everything is undertaken in a Covid-secure manner adds extra pressure this year, but beautiful Christmas hampers are now being assembled, ready for the Caring For Life Core Team to begin deliveries later this month.
There has been so much talk about Christmas this year, with families understandably concerned that they want to be able to meet up with loved ones at this special time. Christmas adverts on the TV seem to have started earlier than ever. All around there is a focus on happy family Christmas scenes.
This can be especially tough for those we support who never had a happy Christmas as children, for whom memories of Christmas are sad or painful. This makes it all the more important that we ensure everyone is supported right through this time, and beyond. Turning up on the doorstep with a lovely Christmas hamper is just one way of making happy Christmas memories for each person we support.
It is a privilege to do all of this in the name of the Christ who Christmas is actually all about.