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What's been happening on the Poultry Project?

The Poultry Project is as busy as ever! The hens are now 9 months old and laying a mixture of medium, large & extra-large eggs and we collect about 660 eggs a day, from 760 hens.

The flock was very kindly donated by one of our supporters in October last year, which is such a blessing & we’re so grateful for this provision.

Sadly, the flock have had to stay inside the hen houses since they arrived here, due to bird flu. We miss seeing them outside and climbing in the apple trees and everyone can’t wait to see them out and about again, being entertained by their antics and watching them flourish thanks to their hard work.

However, whilst they are inside, they are still well cared for and very happy! Their hen houses are lovely and equipped with brand new nest boxes that were also donated by a supporter last year. We also repainted the walls and had new brighter lights installed. This has made the hen houses feel fresh and homely again.

(See the progress pictures below!)

Since the New Year, we have had 7 new beneficiaries start on the poultry project. The egg room is always full of chatter and laughing and it’s been such a privilege to get to know everyone and watch friendships between those on the project.

It’s great fun teaching people how to do jobs around the project, such as using the egg grader or feeding the chickens.

Some of the new folk have also attended the bible studies, which is really encouraging. We hope and pray that more from the project will attend and that they will really get to know Jesus there.

Please pray for the poultry project and those attending, that they would experience Jesus' love here at the farm and come to know Him as their Saviour!

Connor Parkinson-Townend

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